A School Founded And Managed By Teachers
Our story begins in 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with three teachers and a handful of students. Our school is founded and managed by teachers, who have made it their life long mission to create a learning space that promotes learning, connection and growth.
Certified Exam Centre
Oxburgh International School is a Cambridge Examination Centre (MY326) in Malaysia. Private candidates can call our OXIS Examination Centre at 0129588967.
Dedicated Teachers
At Oxburgh we believe that every student has the potential to excel not only in their academics, but also their co-curricular activities.
Why Students & Parents Choose Oxburgh International School!
Our students learn and we have one of the highest percentages in all of Malaysia for passed IGCSE exam scores. Of course parents and students want to come and learn from the best, with the best!
Top IGCSE Scores
With a consistent 12 year track record, our students’ results speak for themselves. With the support of their teachers over the years, they have accomplished their academic, leadership and sports goals upon graduation. We are so happy and proud of them all.
Limitless Learning, Limitless Possibilities !
With science and computer labs and tons of space, there is truly nothing that cannot be accomplished once we put students in charge to take the lead and reach new heights.
- Build confidence
- Create life-long friendships
- Define and achieve goals
Every child deserves to achieve excellence in their own way.
We define innovation as the ability to find change as an opportunity
Our Best Features
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Meet Our Best Teachers
Parent's Reviews
EXCELLENTBased on 193 reviews![]()
Mun yee Shum2024-12-23
Berry Wang2024-12-10
May Li Chooi2024-12-08Last weekend was PTM in school. This is the first time I experienced physical sessions here. I had booked 7 teachers & came with a book, expecting long lines & over run time. But I was pleasantly surprised that every session was punctual. The students ushers were helpful in directing, and there were teachers around to check the progress of the sessions too. Compared to my kids' previous schools, this PTM exceeded my expectations. Well done Oxburgh!
Kuan shook quan2024-12-07
Design Inhome2024-12-07
Isabel Kok2024-11-16我是因著姐姐的兩個兒子有著卓越的IGCSE表現,且前往一些學校做了一番考察與對比之下,才決定把三個孩子同時轉學到Oxburgh。剛做出這個決定的時候,我也是沒有十足的信心,畢竟轉學就等於把孩子從一個熟悉的環境丟到一個全然陌生的環境,他們得重新適應新的環境,新的老師以及新的同學。 這項決定確實是需要很大的說服力,畢竟我們是得每天跨州上學,每天往返共58公里路才能抵達校園,且這一切都發生在上下班出現車龍的情況下。 每個孩子開始的時候反應都不一樣,喜歡學習的那個很是開心,說學校老師教的知識十分有挑戰性,她很喜歡上學,很是期待。成績中等,喜歡運動的另外兩個孩子剛開始的時候確實會不太歡喜,畢竟離開了自己的舊運動戰友,還要面對新老師的嚴謹與進行好多的學習跟進,也煎熬了好一陣子。可是,我始終秉持先苦後甜的道理,我情願孩子們努力地在後面追,也不希望他們悠哉游哉地就此過完中學生涯。 今年我的兩個孩子畢業了,我知道我的‘孟母擇校‘擇對了! 除了讓兩個剛畢業的孩子都交出驚人亮眼的成績單,Oxburgh更讓他們成爲獨立且有方向的孩子,這全然歸功於學校老師都有的三個最重要的特質,專業,盡責與愛心。老師們都能夠在自已擅長的科目上毫無保留地把知識傳遞給學生,並盡心竭力鼓勵孩子們向上向善。無論在身,心,靈上,他們都取得平衡的發展。 因此,我想在此謝謝全體老師的付出。 孩子們畢業在即,他們要我特別感謝這幾年苦口婆心教導他們的老師,包括Mr Eddie, Mr Shashi, Mr Tee, Mr Wesley, Ms Hanani, Ms Kasyleen, Ms Saras, Ms Viknes. 我也要再此特別鳴謝Oxburgh 校長,Ms Joline, 謝謝您打造了一個這麽和諧的環境,讓孩子們快樂地學習並成長,並在孩子的升學路上煞費思量,給他們安排一個又一個的大學參訪,務求讓他們每一個孩子都找到自己的人生方向,信心滿滿地踏上升學之路。 期待Oxburgh在未來的育人路上創造更大的輝煌!向您致敬!
Review's From Students
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“Per sed, mattis. Integer viverra euismod maecenas incidunt, phasellus consequatur aliquam nihil temporibus in assumenda? Aute praesentium fugiat. Perspiciatis, ultrices deserunt convallis, eius at non.”
Jenny Wilson
“Per sed, mattis. Integer viverra euismod maecenas incidunt, phasellus consequatur aliquam nihil temporibus in assumenda? Aute praesentium fugiat. Perspiciatis, ultrices deserunt convallis, eius at non.”
William Wright
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